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2012年12月英语六级听力,18年12月英语六级听力答案四六级资料网2272022-11-112012年高考英语听力(全国1,2卷)试题第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.In a bookstore.链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17tydASZ24p8K48xgpmExpw 提取码: 74uf 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 简介:英语四六级考试是教育部主管的一项全国性的英语考试。

B. In a classroom.C. In a library.2. At what time will the film begin?A. 7:20.B. 7:15.C. 7:00.

3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. Their friend Jane.

B. A weekend trip.C. A radio programme.4. What will the woman probably do?

A. Catch a train.B. See the man off.C. Go shopping.

5. Why did the woman apologize?A. She made a late delivery.B. She went to the wrong place.C. She couldnt take the cake back.


每段对话读两遍听第6段材料.回答第6. 7题。6. Whose CD is broken?A. Kathys.

B. Mums.C. Jacks.7. What does the boy promise to do for the girl?A. Buy her a new CD.B. Do some cleaning.

下面这个网站可以。 http://www.hxen。C. Give her 10 dollars.听第7段材料.回答第8、9题。

8. What did the man think of the meal?A. Just so-so.B. Quite satisfactory.C. A bit disappointing.9. What was the 15% on the bill paid for?

2012年12月份英语六级考试时间为12月22日(星期六下午)14:50---15:00试音寻台时间 15:00---15:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷 15:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 15:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但15:40才允许开始做)15:

A. The food.

B. The drinks.C. The service.听第8段材料,回答第I0至12题。

10. Why is the man at the shop?A. To order a camera for his wife.B. To have a camera repaired.C. To get a camera changed.

11. What colour does the man want?A. Pink.

B. Black.C. Orange.12. What will the man do afterwards?

A. Make a phone call.B. Wait until further notice.C. Come again the next day.

听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13. What would Joe probably do during the Thanksgiving holiday?A. Go to a play.B. Stay at home.。

C. Visit Kingston.14. What is Ariel going to do in Toronto?A. Attend a party.

B. Meet her aunt.C. See a car show.I5. Why is Ariel in a hurry to leave?A. To call up Betty.B. To buy some DVDs.

C. To pick up Daniel.16. What might be the relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates.B. Fellow workers.2012年12月英语六级作文真题:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on the saying。

C. Guide and tourist.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. Where does Thomas Manning work?A. In the Guinness Company.

B. At a radio station.C. In a museum.18. Where did the idea of a book of records come from?A. A bird-shooting trip.

B. A visit to Europe.C. A television talk show.19. When did Sir Hughs first book of recordsA. In 1875.

B. In 1950.

C. In 1955.这个成绩相当不错,根据四六级官网给出的分数解释,你的得分超过了全国接近85%的考生,所以应该说表现非常出色,这个成绩在找工作的时候单位会非常认可,因为六级能考550以上的人并不是太多,不像四级。

20. What are the two speakers going to talk about next?A. More records of unusual facts.B. The founder of the company.

C. The oldest person in the world

答案:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A6.C 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C11.A 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.A16.B 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.A2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国一)听力原文:

Text 1Man: Excuse me,Madam? Woman: Yes?Man: How long can I keep the book?Woman: For one month. Please make sure you return the book before it’s due.

Text 2

Man: Hurry up,Jenny. It’s already seven. We’ll be late for the film.Woman: Don’t worry dear,we still have twenty minutes. And it takes us only fifteen minutes to get there.

We’ll be there just in time.

Text 3Man: I heard on the radio that it’ ll be sunny during the holiday weekend.html,历年六级听力原文:http://hi.baidu.com/linshubin/blog/item/57922da8849224b6ca130c23.html。


Maybe we can take a trip to Boston. Woman: That sounds great. I’ll call Jean to see if she likes to join us.

Text 4Woman: It’s nearly eight. If you want to catch the nine o’clock train,you’d better go now.Man: Don’t worry. I’ll drive to the station.

Woman: In that case,let me go with you. And you drop me off at the city center. I’ll go to the open market.

Text 5:Woman: I’m sorry,the cake is late. We’ll do better next time,I promise.Man: Well,I’m sorry too. You have to take it back. The birthday party is over and we

don’ t need the cake any more.Text 6:Woman: Oh,it’s broken! Jacky is not going to be happy when he sees this. It’s his favorite CD!

He’ll tell mum. Man: Please Kathy,can I borrow ten dollars?大学英语六级听力(mp3+文本)http://www.rrting.com/English/cet6/405/ 大学英语六级预测试卷听力(mp3+文本)http://www.rrting.com/English/cet6/412/ 大学英语六级考试巅峰训练听力(mp3)http://www.rrting。

I’ll buy him a new one and I will clean up your room.Text 7:Woman: How did you like the dishes,Sir?全套大学英语六级(有听力)百度网盘资源免费下载 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SjpkLEChkRsxLbPEBbm6mA 提取码。

Man: Delicious. Everything was excellent here. Thank you! Woman: Do you want some coffee,tea,sir?Man: No. thanks,I’m fine. Ah,just have the bill,2017年6月英语六级听力,please. How much is your service charge?

Woman: Fifteen percent and it’s included in your bill. Thank you very much,sir. We look forwardto seeing you again.

Man: Sure,good night.

Text 8:Woman: Can I help you?

Man: Yes. My daughter bought this camera here for my wife’s birthday. But it doesn’t work. So I’dlike to change it for another one.

Woman: I see. Let me have a look. Well,we’ll be happy to change it for you. But I am afraid we

don’t haveanother pink one.Man: Oh? What will I do then?

Woman: Would you like to choose a different color? We do have this camera in black and orange. Man: My wife doesn’t like either of those colors.

Woman: If you want,we can order another camera just like this one. There wouldn’t be any extracharge for it.

Man: That sounds fine. Would you please go ahead and do that?Woman: We’d be very happy to but it’ll take at least a week. Maybe ten days.

We’ ll call you when it comes in.[马上进入2012年12月四六级备考专题:四级复习备考 六级复习备考 免费在线模考 ] 一、 英语六级长短句原则 工作还得一张一驰呢,老让读者读长句,累死人!写一个短小精辟的句子,相反,却可以起到画龙点睛的作用。

Man: Thank you very much. Woman: You are welcome.

Text 9:Woman: Hi,Joe! Many people in our department are leaving for Thanksgiving.What are you going to do?

一.听力题:①一般直接在对话中听到的都不是正确答案,因为都需要经推理得到答案②听力题一定要提前预读,四六级题目是四选一,广播讲规则的时候你就先看选项③边听听力边涂答题卡,这个很重要Man: I think I’ll just stay at home. I may see some friends and watch a few DVDs. And I probably would go to the Ottawa Car Show. What about you,Ariel? What’s your plan? Woman:。

I am going to do some traveling with my family.Man: Oh,where to?

Woman: Toronto. And on our way,we’re going to visit my aunt,Valley,in Kingston. Man: That’sexciting. How long do you plan to stay?

Woman: Two days. I have a get-together party with my college friends on the tenth in Toronto. Oh。

I’m afraid I’ve got to go now. My husband is waiting for me. And we’ll have to pick upDaniel from school. Have a nice holiday,Joe!

Man: Thank you. You too!Text 10:Where can you look if you want to know how tall the tallest person in the world is,2019年6月英语六级听力原文,or who the

oldest person in the world is? There is only one place where you’ll find all these information,and that’s in the Guinness Book ofWorld Records. This morning we have someone from the Guinness Company that produced that famous book,Thomas Manning. “Welcome to the program,Thomas!” “Thanks,Sue. It’s a pleasure to be here.” “Perhaps you could start by telling us where the idea for

the book came from.” “Well,it was first suggested in the early 1950s. Sir Hugh Beaver,2019年6月英语六级听力答案,the managing director of Guinness,201912月英语六级听力答案,was out shooting birds with some friends. A bird flew away so quickly that no one was able to shoot it. Sir Hugh wondered whether this bird was the fastest bird in Europe。

and if it wasn’t the fastest,he wondered what was.” “So I suppose he went to the nearest library to look for the information and he couldn’t find it?” “Yes,that’s exactly what happened. And this made Sir Hugh think there must be other people in the same situation who wanted this kind of information. He thought that,like himself,people would be interested in finding facts of all records to satisfy their curiosity.” “So the idea for a book of records was born. And when did the first book come out?”“A few years later,in 1955. So,to ask your first question: the tallest person in the world is 231.7cm tall. And the oldest person is Jeanne. L. Calment,who was born in February,1875.” “There are also some rather strange records,aren’t there,Thomas?” “Yes ,that’s right. Did you know,Sue,that

the shortest time it is taken …”下一篇: 六级翻译常考句型,六级翻译句式总结 上一篇: 2013年英语六级,2013年6月六级考试真题答案

(1990-2022年9月)四六级历年真题及答案解析、听力mp3下载www.zcjsj8.com/cet 更多真题请微信关注公众号【真题大全】,发送【客服】在线咨询!
